what was i made for

Mar 6, 2024 | Faith and Life

   My name is McKenna and I am the artist behind As Goodness Follows. I was born and raised in California and, after a brief college hiatus in Chicago, have made my return to this beautiful state. There are too many twists and turns to delve into here, but hopefully I can untangle everything in time.

    I have worked as a lifeguard, an antique store clerk, a swim instructor, a waterfront director, a nanny, a high school substitute teacher, an architectural landscape designer… it truly has been a life; I am sure there are plenty of others that I am missing. I currently hold the position of painter/ businesswoman and in all the job titles that I have ever had, this one has me more scared and excited than any one before it. Scared because well, what am I doing?! Excited because, guess what I’m doing?! You know what I mean? In the midst of all these feelings, building this job is the first time in my life that has me sure of one thing.

   I’ve spent countless hours wondering obsessively what God made me for; the big WHY, right? I’ve felt pretty alone in those thoughts too. In high school, it seemed those around me had a general idea of what they wanted to pursue in college. Then in college, being an architect major, most everyone there knew why they were pursuing that degree. I’m sure that barely graduating didn’t help whatever apprehensions I had, but the fact that it took me a whole year and a half from graduation day to find a job in my field of study was the icing on my “doomsday” cake. In all that time, I was never sure what God wanted from me, until now. Now, I know that I know that I know- that no matter if this builds to be a beautiful business or has it’s time in the sun before I move on to the next thing, there is nothing God wants from me, in earthly terms. God doesn’t want me to do a job before he just wants me to know him and be known by him.

   God made all of us to know him, to be loved by him, to love him in return. We are commissioned to love the Lord your God with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself (Matt. 22:37-39) and that’s it. Everything else flows from this space of being known and loved by God. If my job in the architectural field kept me from knowing God (and this time it did), then it wasn’t for me any longer. So here I am, obeying whatever He has for me- that I might know him better with each new morning. 

   Thank you Lord, for loving us as we are and not because of what we do.



where to find me

ig/ pinterest/ shop @ asgoodnessfollows