we’re all in this together

Apr 5, 2024 | Faith and Life

   This life is no easy thing and being a Christian does not make us exempt from this fact… in some places it guarantees hardship, even death. In the midst of all the things that come, there is one truth that we can cling to. Jesus DEFEATED death and he LOVES us- more than anything, more than his own life. Still, clinging is exhausting and he didn’t create us to do it alone.

   When some one asks for help or has a hard thing to share, there is a story in the Bible that my mind often wanders to. To clarify, I am only an artist, not a scholar, so don’t quote me on any of the following. I believe that as the Bible is God breathed and the Holy Spirit lives within us, we have everything we need to understand its contents. What’s more, it was written for everyone, no matter your age or background or occupation, and Psalm 119:30 makes it clear that everyone was made to understand the Bible: “The unfolding of your word gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.” So go on and fact check this for yourself *wink wink*.

   Anyways, back to the story. It only boasts one single paragraph in Exodus 17, but truly lives rent-free in my head 24/7. Moses has led the Israelites to a new spot in the desert and sets up camp in Amalek’s nomadic territory. Now, Amalek is an old foe of the Israelites and he immediately decides it is time to go to war with them. So Moses puts his right hand man, Joshua, in charge of finding men who will fight. As they set out for battle, Moses heads to the top of a hill with the same staff that split the Red Sea just three chapters before. I think this signifies that God is with him, it reminds us as the readers, that everything Moses sets out to do, he does it WITH God. Moses, up on this hill with his staff and God, begins to pray over the war that is taking place below and “whenever Moses [holds] up his hand, Israel [prevails], and whenever he [lowers] his hand, Amalek [prevails]” (Exodus 17:11)! Which, I mean my mind is blown by that alone, but you won’t even guess what happens next. Ok, I’ll tell you. His friends hike up this hill and they HOLD his arms up for him! Exodus 17:12 says,” But Moses’ hands grew weary, so they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it, while Aaron and Hur held up his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side. So his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.” His friends. They recognized how Moses needed help and they showed up. As you may have guessed, the Israelites won.

   There are battles that those around us are fighting every. single. day. Some are great and require a lot of energy; they test our physical, emotional and spiritual strength. Some are small; they test our reliance on God- do we numb out, distract ourselves, tend toward the habit of complaining about it… But as I said before, regardless of the test or the battle, you still weren’t meant to do it alone. Call your friends, call your family, tell anyone that has faith as small as a mustard seed. I promise it’s not a burden and we aren’t tired of hearing the same request over and over. It is an honor to hold your arms up in prayer, to be in the midst of the battle with you, because as God’s records will show, he wins. every. time.

   Thank you Lord for being so good that not only did you give us your Son, but friends to help us present our requests to you when we are too tired to do it ourselves.



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