

I was first exposed to art through the work of Robert Wyland and now, I too draw a lot of my inspiration from the natural world. I graduated with a BA in Architecture in 2018 and after designing for a time in the field, I am excited to share my perspective through fine art.

When I was younger, there was a wonder attached to colors that I can’t quite describe as an adult. I wore colors before I worried about wearing matching outfits, which allowed for a lot of teasing in high school and college *insert laughing emoji*. When you see my work, I hope you feel the wonder and the care free attitude that I find wrapped up in colors.

As Goodness Follows is a space that will strive to remind you of the beauty in the ordinary, the wonder of things unknown, the inherent dignity within every stranger… it will be a space that prioritizes peace and joy. I hope that as I create, you resonate with the pieces and it helps you see things with fresh eyes.

You are welcome here, m k b

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